Our Happy Home

Our Happy Home
Family Time

Monday, March 30, 2009

kitty cat

Right now my daughter is trying to convince me to let her drink her milk out of a bowl of the ground. For those of you who remember sometimes Ruth likes to act like animals. She is climbing on my lap, meowing, and drinking her milk (out of a cup). Hope to post soon.
Speaking of animals, John can now catch the bunny. I thought that bunny was in trouble with Ruth. I think John "loves" it more. I will put up some pictures of Easter. It is our first holiday we aren't spending with our family. Very Sad!!. I am hoping to make it fun for the kids anyway.

Have to see it to believe it

He sleeps!!!!!!!!!!!! During Spring Break time, John fell asleep on grandpa and Uncle Eric.

Greg's 30th.

Greg turned 30!!!! If you know Greg, you might understand why he got a new cool light saber for his birthday. (Usually he gets Disney Movies). Greg is not the only one that loved his new toy. Greg is learning to share his toys.

Happy Birthday

John turned 1!!!! Yeah. He turned on in February. He is my big boy. It is always crazy when you think of how small and helpless they were when you bring them home. Now look at him. He is a big boy who loves to play with his sister. He knows what he wants. Grandpa came to KC to visit John on his birthday. He opened his gifts and was checking out his new ride. John barely ate any of his cake. He didn't get messy or anything, this really disappointed his grandpa. The next week we were at a party and John fell into the other boys cake. He was full of icing then. Of course the best part of the gift is the box. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Getting Started

O.K. I was going to start this 6 months ago, but time flies. My main objective (sorry I am a teacher) is to share things about my kids with our family. We moved to Kansas City in 2002 and now we have a young family. I was watching my kids play one day and wishing that I could easily share photos with my family and friends. I am crazy about my kids. I am sure that I talk too much about my kids, but I think they do pretty funny things daily. Ruth is 4 and making so many observations about the world and John is one and he is exploring the world. They keep us hopping and looking tired. Hopefully, our family will enjoy the updates.