Our Happy Home

Our Happy Home
Family Time

Monday, April 27, 2009

Cardinals vs. Cubs

O.K. so most of you know that when the Cardinals and the Cubs play, there is a special rivalry between the two teems. Since I was raised in St. Louis, I must stay loyal to the Cardinals. This weekend we had a surprise visit to St. Louis. The Cardinals and Cubs were playing each other. Ruth knows that I root for the Cardinals. We were watching the game and she said, "Dad you go for the Cardinals, Mom goes for the Cardinals, I go for the Cardinals, John, he goes for the Cubs". Ruth is already ratting him up. The next day Ruth was batting and when she hit the ball she yelled, just like the Cardinals. We can be proud of Ruth.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Ruth was pretending to be a dog for several days. She wants to act like a dog and be called a dog. Yesterday, she took her nap on a "dog bed". When she gets into character she is very serious. Of course John did not want her to sleep. He wanted to play with her. So he was climbing all over her. (Is very similar to what happened a couple of weeks ago) I moved Ruth upstairs. I need to get them on the same nap schedule. Though it is hard with them having different schedule though out the week.


On Easter morning, after we were dressed for church, I was trying to take Ruth's picture. She was holding this ball. I asked her why and she didn't say anything - though she giggled. I went to take the picture and she threw the ball in the air and kicked it. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "I was showing off my skills, mom!"


O.K. so some of you might know that I was nervous about having a boy. This is one of the reasons. (kidding- kind of) Ruth, John, and I were playing out front. I am still trying to dig up these bushes up front. John wanted to play in the mud. I kept telling him- NO! Finally he broke me down and I let him play for a couple of minutes. This is the results. He was loving the mud. He is unhappy in the picture because I won't let him play.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Too much blogging?

There were two times this week that I wished I had our camera, so I could take pictures and then blog about it. I was wondering am I getting out of control. On Thursday, Greg picked me up from work ready to go on a picnic with the kids. It was very thoughtful and nice. He has had a crazy schedule lately and we haven't spent a lot of time with each other. He was off and he packed up a picnic and picked up the kids. We ate right by the art museum here. There is a park across the street with a playground. Ruth had so much fun and John was a sleep for the first part. The second time I wish I had my camera was this morning. John was sitting on a chair by the table. I was cleaning the refrigerator and Greg was in the other room. Then I heard Ruth say, "Daddy, John is on the table." He climbed up on the table and was playing with something on the table. I think I am getting too serious about blogging because I was disappointed Greg took him off the table before I got a picture. We wanted to plant in our garden this morning, but it was down pouring. We are looking forward to our garden this year. We bought some raspberry bushes this morning, but we really don't know what to do with them, but we thought it would be fun. I do have some cute pictures I will post later.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter morning

This is why we were almost late for church.

Easter suprise

Ruth woke up ready to see what the Easter bunny left her. The Easter bunny hid both their baskets and some eggs. She had a blast looking for everything. In her basket she had a Disney movie (I guess the Easter bunny knew Greg also loves Disney movies). She also got a princess plate that was in the shape of a crown, so she put it on her head, which is pretty cute. John was just happy digging threw his basket and throwing everything on the ground that got in his way of the candy. We have been talking to Ruth about the real meaning of Easter. After she found all the eggs, Greg asked why do we celebrate Easter and she said because we like bunnies. We are really trying. We had a great morning.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

be careful what you wish for

All I asked was for a little help in the kitchen!! Last night I had both of them "helping" me wash the dishes. I wonder why things take so long, or why I am tired after simple things. I really think it is cute when they want to help.

Hunt is on!!

We went to a friend's house for an Easter Egg hunt. Ruth was moving pretty fast. Most of the pictures were far away and too fast. John stuck pretty close to mom. He wasn't quite sure what he was doing, but he found out he really enjoys jelly beans. They both had a great time. It was a lot of fun. Looking forward to tomorrow when the Easter Bunny comes to our house. Happy Easter!!


YEAH!!! We had a day off from school and we decided to go the the park. Ruth rode her little tricycle to the playground (even though she is a little big for it). The weather was gloomy in the morning, but it turned into a nice day. We are hoping some spring like weather is headed our way. John didn't know what to do with they tricycle. He liked it, but kept falling off. Ruth met a friend and they chased each other around the park. It was a great afternoon.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Little brothers/ pay backs

Earlier today Ruth woke John up from his nap. Then Ruth fell asleep in her favorite chair. I don't know if John was getting Ruth back or if he was just trying to play with her. Either way cute pictures!!!


While John and I were outside working in the yard, Ruth was inside writing a letter. Ruth loves to write letters and she added some question marks in her letter. She was telling me all about question marks. Such a smart girl. At school her favorite center is the art lab. She comes home with tons of projects every day. Sometimes it is a little overwhelming. Her favorite center used to be the block lab. She is excellent at building things. This week at school they were talking about recycling. She has been letting me know all about it. I can't wait till it is really Spring and we don't have snow in our for cast anymore. I hope all is well with everyone, and I will be blogging soon.

My Little Helper

Today is a beautiful day in Kansas City. I thought it was supposed to reach 70 today, but it doesn't feel that way now. It is windy. It is supposed to be cold tomorrow. I have been trying to pull up the bushes in front of our house. I never really liked them, so it took about 6 years to start this project. Last week I couldn't work on it because it snowed!! Crazy!! John of course is making the project a breeze with all of his help. Our front yard doesn't have a fence, so it is kind of difficult. John loves being outside. He really likes it when the cold wind hits his face. It makes him giggle. I don't understand it at long. I love the warm weather. Take a look at the picture with the car. That is the look John gives when he is about to do something wrong. Latter in the day John was digging with him. Just to let you know he is wearing a Cardinals jacket. We are keeping it really here in KC.